Saturday, August 19, 2017

2013 and 2014(part 1)

The next two years were a little more of the same, but we gradually began to climb out of the pit we were in. Todd's job began to pick up new routes, and he began to make a little more money. We were able to find a house in Graham, NC that we could afford. Nothing much to look at... but it was a DEFINITE upgrade from the house we had in Mebane. The floors were only 3-4 years old, and there was a yard--scraggly and unkept... but a yard nonetheless. The kids would have a place to play. 

It was about this time(late 2013) that the commute to Durham every day began to wear on Todd.  I was commuting to Burlington or Durham for larger store trips, my occasional part-time job and doctor's appointments with three kids, etc as well. So we decided we needed to job hunt for something that would offset the cost of living 30+ miles from the city where Todd worked, or house hunt for a home closer to the city. Being TIGHTLY strapped budget-wise meant finding an affordable house closer to the city was unlikely. So that meant a possible job change. 
   One day in June 2014... an email came for Todd. It was from Ron Elkins.. whom we had known for years as a friend in Hobgood, NC. There was a job opening in Rocky Mount at his place of work (COECO). He was more than willing to put in a good word for Todd if he wanted the position. It would mean a move to Hobgood, where Todd was born/raised. This was an idea we had been toying with for YEARS because of the small town lifestyle and the private school that the town boasted. BUT... the caveat was a DRASTIC base pay cut... like 50%. The rest of his pay would be commission. Commission... a word that I have come to hate over the past EIGHT YEARS. No man should EVER work on commission. More on that later. For now... suffice it to say that after prayer and thought, we stepped out in FAITH (or absolute stupidity! Still not sure which 3 years later!) and made the decision to move to Hobgood. Finally our land of GLOWING opportunity!!!! Or so we thought.
                                  Eliana with the flowers in front of our house in Graham.

Aunt Ashley took pictures of the boys in a tree! 

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